Arm Liposuction London

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mr shivram singh
Medically reviewed by Mr Shivram Singh Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgeon
Last Reviewed: June 26th 2023 – Updated: Sep 4, 2023

What is arm liposuction?

Arm liposuction is a cosmetic surgery designed to remove stubborn fat that doesn’t yield to dieting or exercise. This surgical procedure is also meant to remove loose skin resulting from aging, weight gain, or weight loss. It gives the arms a slim contour and makes them look sculpted.

There are four types of upper arm liposuction, including traditional, tumescent, laser, VASER, or ultrasound-assisted arm liposuction. This gives you plenty of options to achieve your ideal liposuction arms. So, we recommend you discuss each of the options with a specialist to determine which type of arm liposuction suits you the best.

arm liposuction before and after

Arm Liposuction At A Glance


2 Hours


General Anaesthetic


Day Case


6 Weeks


1 Week


Sleeping on Back for 1 - 2 Weeks


6 Weeks


6 Weeks


1 - 2 Weeks


2 Week

Why do people choose it?

People choose to have arm liposuction for aesthetic reasons. Stubborn fat and loose skin can make the underarms look flabby, which is not very flattering. This can negatively impact a person’s confidence and self-esteem, especially if they’ve tried everything to solve the issue. Arm liposuction provides an effective alternative and it results in slim, sculpted, proportional arms.

Who is an ideal candidate for arm liposuction?

Arm liposuction is ideal for patients who have resistant fat around the triceps muscle and no amount of dieting and exercise has been able to help. This surgical procedure is also ideal for patients with saggy underarms or loose skin that doesn’t look flattering.

It is important to note here that there’s a difference between arm liposuction and arm lift, also known as Brachioplasty. For some patients, an arm lift will be the best option if there are no fat deposits to remove. A consultation with a specialist will provide enlightenment!

The Arm Liposuction Procedure

Here’s a summary of the procedure for each type of arm liposuction:

Traditional Arm Liposuction

Traditional arm liposuction surgery is invasive, but not overly complicated. Local anesthetic is used and then the surgeon will make a laceration near the elbow joint and another one on the back of your underarm. This way, they can remove the fat with a steel tube, also known as a cannula. The cannula is moved back and forth to break the fat cells and then suck them out.

Tumescent Arm Liposuction

Tumescent arm liposuction consists of injecting a solution into the targeted area. The solution combines local anesthetic and epinephrine. It makes the fatty layer of skin become firm and it temporarily shrinks the blood vessels. Then, an incision is made to insert the cannula and remove the fat just like in a traditional surgery. The difference is that the solution allows more control and less blood loss, so it reduces swelling, bruising, and pain during the healing process.

Ultrasound-Assisted Arm Liposuction

VASER or ultrasound-assisted arm liposuction also uses local anesthetic and the patients are injected with a tumescent fluid that helps detach the fat from the tissue in the target area. Then, a laceration is made to insert a VASER probe that emits ultrasound pulses. What the ultrasound pulses do is melt the fat, which is then removed with a small cannula using gentle suction. It’s minimally invasive with little downtime.

Laser arm liposuction

Last but not least, laser arm liposuction is very similar to ultrasound-assisted lipo. Why? Because the laser energy melts the fat, allowing for easier removal with a cannula. Local anesthesia is used for the procedure and the recovery is very easy. Downtime is also very short.

Arm Liposuction Cost and Finance

At The Mayfair Medical, arm liposuction price starts from £5500. Arm liposuction cost in the UK will depend on a few factors, including the type of arm liposuction and how many areas you need to treat.

On average, the arm liposuction UK price is between £3,690 and £8,310, which includes pre-operative consultation and post-operative care with an expert team of doctors and nurses.

Your Arm Liposuction Journey


During the consultation, the surgeon will identify the areas of treatment to discuss your needs and the best options for your particular case. Of course, the procedure will be explained in detail and they will answer your questions. When you’re ready, your arm liposuction will be scheduled.

Pre-Operative Consultation

This usually takes place two weeks before procedure day. This consultation covers the logistics of the surgery and you’re provided with prescriptions, which you’ll need to fill before the surgery. They will take pre-operative photos and answer any further questions.

Procedure Day

You should arrive at least 1 hour ahead of time with a support person. The surgeon will make marks in the treatment area and the anesthetist will be introduced to discuss how everything works. Additionally, a nurse will explain your post-op needs to your support person. Then, you’ll be taken to the operating room to start the procedure.

After Procedure

After the procedure, you must take your prescriptions diligently and follow post-op care recommendations. There will be a final consultation to ensure you’re healing well. They will also take post-op photos to show you the difference the procedure made.

Risks and Complications of Arm Lipo

The possible risks and complications of arm lipo include:

  • Scarring
  • Indentations
  • Skin and nerve damage
  • Contour irregularities
  • Infection
  • Lumpiness

Though risks and complications are not very common, they’re not difficult to correct in most cases. The best way to avoid the likelihood of experiencing any of these is to find qualified plastic surgeons who have been trained well.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is arm liposuction, and how does it work?

Arm liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat from the upper arms. During the procedure, a qualified surgeon uses a small tube called a cannula to suction out unwanted fat cells, resulting in slimmer and more contoured arms.

Am I a suitable candidate for arm liposuction?

Good candidates for arm liposuction are individuals with localized fat deposits in the upper arms that have not responded to diet and exercise. Ideal candidates should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the results.

What are the benefits of arm liposuction?

Arm liposuction can provide several benefits, including improved arm contour, enhanced self-confidence, and a more balanced overall appearance. It is a minimally invasive procedure with relatively quick recovery compared to more invasive surgeries.

Is arm liposuction a substitute for weight loss?

No, arm liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss. It is intended for body contouring and addressing localized fat deposits. It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise for long-term results.

What should I expect during the arm liposuction procedure?

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes small incisions, inserts a cannula to remove fat, and sculpts the arms. The duration of the surgery varies but is generally completed within a few hours.

What is the recovery process like after arm liposuction?

Recovery varies from person to person, but generally, patients can expect some swelling and bruising. You will need to wear compression garments for a few weeks and avoid strenuous activities during the initial recovery period. Full recovery may take several weeks to a few months.

Are there any risks or potential complications associated with arm liposuction?

Like any surgical procedure, arm liposuction carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, and uneven results. Our experienced surgeons take precautions to minimize these risks and ensure your safety.

What kind of results can I expect from arm liposuction?

The results of arm liposuction can vary, but most patients experience improved arm contour and reduced fat in the treated area. Final results become more noticeable as swelling subsides, usually within a few months.

Will I have noticeable scars after arm liposuction?

The likelihood of noticeable scars after arm liposuction is typically minimal. The incisions made during the procedure are generally small and carefully placed to minimize scarring. With proper post-operative care and time, these scars tend to fade and become less noticeable, leaving you with improved arm contour and minimal visible evidence of the surgery.

Who performs the arm liposuction procedure at your clinic, and what are their qualifications?

Our arm liposuction procedures are performed by GMC registered and experienced consultant surgeons who specialize in body contouring. We prioritize safety and expertise in our team.

How can I schedule a consultation for arm liposuction?

Scheduling a consultation is easy. Simply contact our clinic, and our friendly staff will assist you in setting up an appointment with one of our consultant surgeons. During the consultation, you can discuss your goals and concerns.

How much does arm liposuction cost, and are there financing options available?

At The Mayfair Medical, arm liposuction price starts from £5500. We offer flexible financing options for arm liposuction treatment. You can get started with as little as a £500 deposit or even choose a financing plan with no initial deposit required.

With our range of options, you have the flexibility to spread the cost of your procedure over 12, 24, 36, 48, or 60 months, making it more accessible and convenient for you.

Meet Arm Liposuction Surgeons

Interested in our arm liposuction procedure? Meet our team of expert arm liposuction surgeons. They are prepared to provide the best possible care and help you achieve your ideal arms.
dr kam singh vaser liposuction expert
Dr Kam Singh

Specialist in Cosmetic Dermatology and Lipo Sculpture


mr anuj purbey
Mr Anuj Purbey
Aesthetic & Vaser Practitioner MBBS, MRCS
mr giuseppe fiore
Mr Giuseppe Fiore
Surgeon with a Master in Aesthetic Surgery

Arm Liposuction Before and After Results

To explore more remarkable results visit our arm liposuction before and after gallery.

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