Breast Augmentation London

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mr shivram singh
Medically reviewed by Mr Shivram Singh Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgeon
Last Reviewed June 12th 2023

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure usually opted by women to change the size and shape of their breasts.

To alter the breasts’ size, form, or feel, the surgeon may use implants or transfer fat from another area of the body. Increasing the size of one’s breasts is known as a bop job or breast augmentation.

breast enlargement before and after result-1

Breast Augmentation At A Glance


1 - 2 Hours


General Anaesthetic


Day Case


Surgical Bra - 6 Weeks


1 Week


Sleeping on Back for 1 - 2 Weeks


6 Weeks


4 - 6 Weeks


1 - 2 Weeks


1 Week

Why choose Breast Enlargement Surgery?

Throughout a woman’s life, her breasts may undergo many changes, both in size and appearance, reflecting her many distinct body types. Reasons for this phenomenon include but are not limited to, weight fluctuations, hormone shifts, and the effects of pregnancy and lactation. In some cases, these variables contribute to the development of asymmetry in the breasts. Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the size, shape, and contour of the breasts. It is also used to correct asymmetry caused by factors such as small size, significant weight loss, pregnancy, and lactation.

Some women may feel confident and contented with their breast size and shape, while others may feel insecure and unhappy because of their breasts. Confidence in one’s body can be restored with a simple and quick breast augmentation treatment.

People choose to have breast enlargement surgery for a lot of different reasons. Among these are changes in personal tastes and ways of living. People with small breasts are the best candidates for a breast enlargement procedure. Among the most common reasons:

  • Boost the size and/or fullness of your breasts.
  • When different sizes are used, uneven breasts can be fixed.
  • May improve sagging (an additional breast uplift may be required for considerable sagging)
  • Can help get back some of the volumes lost during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or after losing weight.
  • Building confidence in what you wear.

Who is suitable for Breast Augmentation?

The people who meet all the criteria for eligibility for the operation are those who:

  • One who has reached adulthood with completely formed breasts
  • in good mental and physical health
  • Breasts that are too small or too large for their comfort, whether due to natural ageing processes, pregnancy, or weight gain/loss.
  • Know the limits of surgical intervention.

Breast Augmentation Options

Types of Implants

Different kinds of breast implants are available. Saline or silicone implants are the ones that are used most often.

For breast enlargement UK, most people get implants made of silicone. Silicone is a safe and long-lasting material that can make the breasts look and feel natural.

Salt water is used to fill saline implants, which are breast implants. In the procedure for breast enlargement UK, they aren’t often used. People say saline implants are easier to see under the skin than silicone implants and can feel stiff and firm.

Implant Size

There are different sizes of breast implants. Basically, three different shapes of these implants exist round, teardrop, and conical. Each shape comes in four different profiles, from ‘low’ to ‘extra high.’ This grading is about where the breast meets the benefits of the implant and breast enlargement price. A low-profile breast implant will give you a softer, more natural look. The advantage of an extra-high profile is sharper, making it look more dramatic and unnatural.

Since implants are sold by volume in millilitres or by weight in grammes, you can’t say what size cup you want. Because of how much breast tissue you already have and how much skin is available, our surgeon can’t know your final cup size.

Implant Shape

There are many different shapes of breast implants, giving different results. In the UK, round implants are the most popular choice because they work well for most people. Sometimes the choice also depends on the breast enlargement finance available. Because they are round, round implants can add volume to both the upper and lower breast.

When a more natural look is desired in breast enlargement surgery, teardrop or anatomically shaped implants are used. The implants will give the bottom of the breasts more volume and are best for people who don’t have much natural breast tissue and want a realistic result.


If a patient has asymmetric or tuberous breasts, the way they have their breast enlargement surgery done will depend on their desired results.

Our breast surgeons have a lot of experience adjusting their procedures to get the best patient results. To help fix the unevenness, the patient may need more breast lift or reduction surgeries or implants of different sizes.

Breast asymmetry or otherwise called Tuberous Breasts can be fixed during a breast augmentation procedure. However, no type of breast surgery can ensure complete symmetry.

Implant Positioning

Positioning of a breast implant means the placement of an implant in the chest. Traditionally, the implant could be put over (sub-glandular) or under (submuscular) the breast muscle. When breast implants are positioned over or in front of the chest or pectoral muscles, it is the easiest option and requires the least amount of time to heal. When implants are placed below the pectoralis muscle, they are usually under or below it. It is a standard positioning method for people who don’t have a lot of breast tissue to get a more natural-looking result.

But surgery has changed a lot since then, and what used to be called ‘under the muscle’ is now more often done as ‘dual plane placement,’ in which the upper part of the implant is put under the pectoral muscle while the lower part is left out in the open. This change makes it less likely that the implants will feel high and tight on the chest. It also makes the procedure easier.

Incision Types

Our skilled surgeons for breast enlargement UK will make the incisions under the breast as unnoticeable as possible. Different kinds of incisions can be made to put in breast implants.

The IMF, or inferior mammary fold, is the most common and safest. This natural fold is right where the wire would sit in an underwire bra. Other types of incisions include the periareolar, which is made around the nipple, and the axillary, which is usually in the patient’s armpit.

Even though our surgeons try to keep scarring to a minimum, everyone who gets a breast augmentation will have some scarring. Most scars are about 5 to 6 cm long. This can change based on how big the implants are.

Types of Stitches/Sutures

Over a few weeks, the body gets rid of all subcutaneous sutures. When they are used correctly, dissolvable stitches don’t pose any health risks and are used by surgeons in many different areas of medicine. When dissolvable stitches are used, there is no need for a second session to take them out.

Most of the time, our surgeons use tissue glue to close the cut. This makes you less likely to be exposed to the common microbes on your skin that can cause infections in minor wounds. Within a week or two of being put on, the glue will start to come off.

Your Breast Enlargement Journey


During the consultation, your breasts and chest will be measured and recorded, as will the location of your nipple and the quality and elasticity of your skin.

After discussing your desired aesthetic result, your surgeon will choose the best location for the incision and pocket placement, as well as the implant form (teardrop, round, or conical), size, and surface texture.

There will also be standard clinical photography. Depending on the consultant you visit, a visualisation of the expected outcome will be created using the Crysalix 4D imaging technology employed at the Clinic.

Last but not least, we’ll have a detailed conversation about the potential dangers and difficulties of the surgery, as well as the post-op and recovery periods. You will also have an evaluation of your surgical readiness, including a record of your medical history (including any prior surgeries, drugs, allergies, etc.).

Once your surgeon has determined that you are a good candidate for surgery, you will have two weeks to ‘cool off’ and decide if you want to proceed.

You can schedule as many consultation appointments as you’d like with your surgeon before the scheduled operation date.

Pre-Operative Consultation

If surgery is something you want to do, the day after your last consultation at the Clinic will be the day of your procedure.

The following modifications to one’s behaviour are suggested or required before admission:

Patients who smoke are at a higher risk of wound breakdown, implant infection, and, eventually, implant removal. Thus we ask that you quit at least 6 weeks before your treatment.
You need to avoid taking any medicine containing Aspirin in the week following your surgery.
Small sips of clear liquids (such as still water, black coffee, or black tea) are permitted up to 2 hours before admission in the final 2 hours before surgery, but nothing else should be consumed in the 6 hours before surgery.

breast enlargement consultation with surgeon

Procedure Day

Please check in for admission one hour before your surgery is scheduled to start on the day of your surgery. Then, a nurse will come to take your vital signs, and you’ll meet with your anesthesiologist and surgeon to go over any last adjustments they need to make.

Breast augmentation is a simple procedure that can be done in about an hour while you are asleep. Most of the time, an incision is made in the inframammary fold, which is the fold right under the breast. But incisions can also be made in the armpit (axilla) or along the edge of the breast (areolar border), which are less obvious than the inframammary fold (periocular). The breast implant is then put into a pocket above or below the muscle, depending on the results you want and other factors that you and your doctor talked about during your consultation (such as your current breast volume, your degree of extra skin, and the shape of the breast structure). There would be a 4 to 5 inches long scar where the wound was stitched up.

After your anaesthesia wears off, you will spend the next hour to two hours in our ambulatory recovery rooms. Patients can leave the Clinic with a friend or family member if our specialized nursing staff thinks they have made enough progress in their first recovery and are ready to go home.

After Procedure

When you get home, our nursing staff is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help you. This group of experts will be there for you right after surgery to ensure you’re okay and help with any pain you might feel.

Most patients say they feel completely pain-free a week after surgery. We suggest taking at least a week off from work and doing as little as possible for the first two weeks.

You’ll need to wear a post-operative garment for at least six weeks so that your implant doesn’t move and your scar heals as well as possible in the long run. For the same amount of time, you should avoid any upper-body workouts that are too hard.

We want you to come to see our nursing staff one week after your surgery so that your incision sites can be checked. We also think it would be a good idea for you to talk to one of our aestheticians about getting more treatment to help with the healing and scarring process.

You should make a follow-up appointment with your surgeon after 6 weeks.

Breast Augmentation Risk and Complications

There are many risks to breast augmentation, such as:
  • The shape of the breast implant can be changed by scar tissue (capsular contracture)
  • Pain in the breast Infection
  • Changes in how the nose and breasts feel
  • Implant position changes
  • Implant leakage or rupture
For these problems to be fixed, you might need more surgery to remove or replace the implants.

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma

Researchers have found a possible link between breast implants and the rare cancer of the immune system called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). The name for this condition is anaplastic large cell lymphoma linked to breast implants (BIA-ALCL). The FDA thinks that women with textured breast implants have a minimal but increased chance of getting BIA-ALCL. But that doesn’t mean that BIA-ALCL is caused by these implants. We need to do more research to determine the link between the condition and breast implants.

Illness from breast implants

Breast implants may cause what is sometimes called ‘breast implant illness,’ a group of symptoms that affect the whole body. No one knows for sure how these symptoms are connected to breast implants. People have reported feeling tired, losing their memories, getting rashes on their skin, having trouble concentrating and thinking clearly, and having pain in their joints. If the breast implants are taken out, the symptoms may go away. Researchers are still trying to figure out the link and what caused it. If you have breast implants and any of these things happen, you should talk to your plastic surgeon.

Talk to your doctor if your breasts or implants change in any way. Possible problems with breast augmentation surgery can be found and fixed with regular follow-up visits and the proper screening tests.

Our Expert Breast Augmentation Surgeons

mr shivram singh
Mr Shivram Singh
Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgeon
ms nabila nasir
Ms Nabila Nasir
Consultant Breast and Oncoplastic Surgeon

Boob Job Before and After Results

To explore more remarkable results visit our breast augmentation before and after photos gallery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Procedural and Candidacy FAQs

Am I a suitable candidate for breast augmentation?

A good candidate is typically in good health, has realistic expectations, and seeks the procedure to enhance breast size or shape for personal reasons. Determining your suitability for breast augmentation requires a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. They will assess factors such as your overall health, breast size and shape, skin elasticity, and expectations to determine if you’re a suitable candidate.

do i need a breast lift or just augmentation

Determining whether you need a breast lift or just augmentation depends on your individual breast anatomy and aesthetic goals. If your breasts have sagging or excess skin, a breast lift may be necessary to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance. On the other hand, if you desire increased volume and fullness without significant sagging, breast augmentation alone may be sufficient. It’s best to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess your specific case and recommend the appropriate procedure for you.

How long does a breast augmentation take?

The duration of a breast augmentation surgery typically ranges from 1 to 2 hours. However, the exact time can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the type of implants used, and the complexity of the procedure. It’s essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to get a more accurate estimate based on your specific case and surgical plan.

Is breast augmentation painful?

Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the procedure. After the surgery, some discomfort, swelling, and soreness are common, but your surgeon will provide pain medication to manage any post-operative pain. Recovery experiences can vary among individuals, but most patients find the discomfort manageable and subside within a few days to a couple of weeks. Always follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions for a smoother recovery.

How painful is breast augmentation under the muscle?

Breast augmentation under the muscle can cause more discomfort compared to placing the implants over the muscle. The submuscular placement involves temporarily stretching and adjusting the chest muscles during surgery, leading to additional post-operative soreness. However, your surgeon will provide pain medication to help manage any discomfort. Most patients find that the pain is manageable and diminishes within a few days to weeks after the surgery. Following your surgeon’s aftercare instructions is crucial for a smoother recovery process.

How long does a breast augmentation consultation take?

A breast augmentation consultation usually takes around 30 minutes to an hour. During this appointment, the plastic surgeon will assess your medical history, discuss your aesthetic goals, perform a physical examination, and explain the procedure in detail. They will also discuss the different implant options, potential risks, and answer any questions you may have. It’s essential to take the time to find a qualified and experienced surgeon who makes you feel comfortable and well-informed about your decision.

Can I get a breast enlargement on the NHS?

In the UK, breast enlargement surgery, also known as breast augmentation, is generally not available on the National Health Service (NHS) for cosmetic purposes. The NHS usually funds such surgeries only in exceptional cases when there are underlying medical issues, such as breast asymmetry or deformities that significantly affect physical or mental health. For elective cosmetic procedures, individuals typically seek private clinics and finance the surgery themselves.

What are breast implants made of?

Breast implants are typically made of either silicone gel or saline. Silicone gel implants have a silicone outer shell filled with a cohesive silicone gel, providing a natural feel and appearance. On the other hand, saline implants have a silicone shell filled with sterile saline solution. Both options are widely used and FDA-approved, but it’s essential to consult a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the best choice for your specific needs and preferences.

How do breast implants look after pregnancy?

After pregnancy, the appearance of breast implants can vary depending on factors such as the woman’s breast tissue, the type of implant, and changes in weight during pregnancy. Some women may experience changes in breast volume or shape due to weight fluctuations or breastfeeding. In some cases, a breast lift or revision surgery might be desired to restore the breasts’ desired appearance. It’s essential to discuss your concerns with a qualified plastic surgeon to explore the best options for your specific situation.

How much do breast implants weigh?

Breast implants typically weigh between 0.53 to 1.32 pounds each. The weight can vary based on factors such as the type of implant (saline or silicone) and the chosen size. When getting breast implants, it’s important to consider the weight and how it may affect your overall body proportion and lifestyle. Consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss the best options for your desired outcome.

Does breast implants cause weight gain?

Breast implants themselves do not cause weight gain. The weight of breast implants is relatively small and usually ranges from 0.53 to 1.32 pounds each. Any perceived weight gain after breast augmentation is likely due to the natural changes in the body, such as fluid retention or fluctuations related to the menstrual cycle, rather than the implants themselves. It’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about weight changes.

Can breast implants look natural?

Yes, breast implants can look natural when the right size, shape, and type are chosen to complement a person’s body proportions and aesthetic goals. Factors like implant placement and surgical technique also play a role in achieving a natural appearance. Consult with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who can help you select the most suitable implants and create a result that enhances your overall figure while maintaining a natural look and feel.

What are the most natural looking breast implants?

The most natural-looking breast implants are typically silicone gel implants with a cohesive gel filling. These implants closely mimic the feel and movement of natural breast tissue, providing a more realistic appearance. Additionally, choosing implants that are appropriate in size and shape for your body can contribute to a more natural outcome. Consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to explore the best implant options for your desired results.

Cost and Financing FAQs

What is the average cost of breast augmentation in London?

The average cost of breast augmentation in London ranges from £4,000 to £8,000. However, please note that prices can vary depending on individual circumstances, the chosen surgeon, and the type of implants used. For the most accurate and up-to-date cost information, it is recommended to schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon in London.

How much does breast augmentation cost in uk?

The cost of breast augmentation in the UK typically ranges from £3,500 to £8,000. However, prices may vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the type of implant used, and the location of the clinic. It’s essential to consult with a reputable plastic surgeon to get an accurate and up-to-date cost estimate for your specific case.

How much does breast lift and augmentation cost in uk?

The cost of a combined breast lift and augmentation procedure in the UK typically ranges from £6,000 to £9,000. However, please note that prices may vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the type of implants used, and the location of the clinic. To get an accurate and up-to-date cost estimate, it’s best to consult with a reputable plastic surgeon in the UK.

Can you pay for breast implants monthly?

Yes, you can access our finance plans for breast implants surgery, starting with a minimum deposit of £500 or even with no deposit required. With flexible finance options available, you can choose to spread the costs over 12, 24, 36, 48, or 60 months, making it easier to manage your payments according to your preferences.

Pre-Operative FAQs

Can I take my regular medications before the breast augmentation procedure?

It’s essential to consult your surgeon before the breast augmentation procedure to discuss your regular medications. They will advise you on which medications are safe to take and which ones need to be temporarily stopped before the surgery to minimize potential risks and ensure a successful procedure. Never stop or start medications without professional medical guidance.

Should I stop smoking or drinking alcohol before the breast augmentation procedure?

Yes, it’s highly recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol before the breast augmentation procedure. Both smoking and alcohol can negatively impact the healing process and increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. Quitting these habits at least a few weeks before the procedure can significantly improve the success and safety of the surgery. Always follow your surgeon’s advice for the best possible outcome.

Post Op and Recovery FAQs

How long after breast augmentation can i drive?

Most patients can typically resume driving about 1-2 weeks after breast augmentation surgery. However, the timing may vary based on factors like anesthesia recovery, pain medication usage, physical comfort, and healing progress.

When can i sleep on my side after breast augmentation?

It is generally recommended to avoid sleeping on your side for the first few weeks after breast augmentation surgery. Most patients find it more comfortable to sleep on their side again after about 4-6 weeks, but this timeline may vary based on individual healing and factors such as implant placement and healing progress.

How long after breast augmentation can they be touched?

After breast augmentation surgery, the breasts may be sensitive and tender for a few weeks. Most surgeons advise avoiding excessive touching or massaging the breasts during the initial healing period, which is typically the first 2-4 weeks after the procedure. It’s essential to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions on when it’s safe to touch or massage the breasts, as individual healing times may vary. Prioritize your body’s recovery and consult with your surgeon for personalized guidance on breast care after augmentation.

When can i sleep without a bra after breast augmentation?

After breast augmentation surgery, the timing for sleeping without a bra can vary based on individual healing and the advice of your surgeon. In general, most surgeons recommend wearing a supportive, soft, and non-underwire bra 24/7 for the first few weeks after the procedure. This helps reduce swelling, support the breasts, and promote optimal healing.

Around 4-6 weeks after the surgery, many patients can gradually transition to sleeping without a bra if they feel comfortable doing so. However, it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions, as they may provide personalized guidance based on your recovery progress.

How long after breast augmentation can I fly?

You should wait at least 1-2 weeks after breast augmentation surgery before flying. This allows for initial healing and reduces the risk of complications associated with air travel and changes in cabin pressure.

When can i wear a normal bra after breast augmentation?

You can typically start wearing a normal, non-underwire bra about 4-6 weeks after breast augmentation surgery, once your surgeon gives you the green light. In the initial healing phase, wearing a supportive, soft, and non-underwire bra is recommended to aid in the healing process and reduce swelling.

How long is recovery after breast augmentation?

The recovery period after breast augmentation surgery varies for each individual, but generally, it takes about 1 to 2 weeks to return to daily activities and non-strenuous work. However, it may take several weeks before you can resume more vigorous activities and exercise. Swelling and discomfort gradually improve during this time. Following your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions is vital to ensure a smooth and successful recovery process.

What to expect after breast augmentation day by day?

After breast augmentation surgery, here’s what you can generally expect day by day:

Day 1-3: You may experience some pain, swelling, and discomfort. Rest and take prescribed pain medications. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities.

Day 4-7: Swelling may peak, but it should gradually subside. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines for wearing compression garments and supporting bras.

Week 2-3: You’ll notice reduced swelling and increased comfort. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon may occur to monitor your healing progress.

Week 4 and beyond: Swelling should continue to decrease, and you can gradually resume more physical activities as advised by your surgeon. Scars will continue to fade over time.

Remember that individual experiences can vary, so it’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions for a successful recovery.

Does breast augmentation affect nipple sensitivity?

Breast augmentation can potentially affect nipple sensitivity, but the extent varies among individuals. Some women may experience temporary changes in nipple sensation, which typically improve over time. In some cases, nipple sensitivity may increase or decrease after the surgery. However, permanent loss of nipple sensation is uncommon, and most patients retain normal nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation. Discuss potential risks and outcomes with your surgeon before the procedure.

Does breast augmentation leave scars?

Yes, breast augmentation surgery leaves scars, but their visibility depends on various factors. Incisions are typically made in inconspicuous areas, such as the breast crease or along the areola’s edge. Scarring tends to fade over time, and most surgeons strive for minimal scarring. Proper wound care and following post-operative instructions can help optimize scar healing. Discuss incision options and scar management with your surgeon during the consultation.

How long to wear a compression band after breast augmentation?

The duration of wearing a compression band after breast augmentation can vary depending on the surgeon’s preference and the individual’s healing progress. Typically, patients are advised to wear the compression band or supportive bra for around 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. This helps reduce swelling, support the breasts during the healing process, and promote proper implant positioning. Always follow your surgeon’s specific instructions regarding compression garment usage for the best results.

When can I lift weights after breast implants?

After breast implant surgery, it’s crucial to avoid lifting heavy weights or engaging in strenuous exercises for at least 4 to 6 weeks to allow the implants to heal properly and settle into place. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines based on your individual healing progress, but it’s essential to take it easy during the initial recovery period to minimize complications and ensure the best results.

What does cc mean in breast implants?

In the context of breast implants, “cc” stands for cubic centimeters, which is a unit of volume measurement. The term is used to specify the size and volume of the breast implants. The higher the number of cc’s, the larger the implant’s size and volume, and vice versa. During a breast augmentation consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss the appropriate cc size based on your desired outcome and your body’s natural proportions.

Do breast implants affect breastfeeding?

Breast implants can potentially affect breastfeeding, but the extent varies among individuals. In some cases, breast implants may not interfere with milk production or breastfeeding at all. However, certain surgical techniques or implant placement, especially periareolar incisions, may pose a higher risk of affecting milk ducts or nipple sensitivity. It’s essential to discuss your desire for breastfeeding with your surgeon during the consultation to consider the best implant options and minimize potential impact on breastfeeding.
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